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Christians & Donald Trump

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[The word “Christians” in the headline cited above should have been placed in quotes since it is a glaring oxymoron (supporting evidence for that assertion is presented in spades below, as well as on  this page ).  While Donald Trump’s presidency has come and gone — in  large  part  due to the very ” Christians ” satirically cited above — his political legacy is  certain  to  remain , at least for a few years.  Readers interested in the mostly unreported facts about why and how his presidency went can find those facts on  this page , though as of this writing the rest of the evidence which needs to be presented on that page has not yet been added to it.

[Now, since this is what ASND does (and the mainstream, left wing media do not), another look — from another perspective (albeit also satirical in presentation) — at Christian support for Donald Trump.]


[And now, the rest of the story… satire-free.]

Joe Biden’s Rabid Pro-Abortionism Is Far More  Immoral  Than Anything Trump Ha[d] Ever Done
It is not easy for Never Trumpers who claim to be pro-life to explain why they are voting for candidates who support taxpayer-funded abortion on demand until birth.

[While not mentioned specifically in that essay, the author’s point is exactly the main point of  this essay  here @ ASND.]


NeverTrumpers Such As David French Say Evangelicals Who Voted for Trump are Hypocrites.
Not So…  The rhetoric and logic of NeverTrumpers follows this trajectory:
Our NeverTrump diatribes slandering Evangelical Trump voters as hypocrites, if successful, will result in the election of a Democrat who promotes infanticide, GenderQueer coercion, left-wing court tyranny, and mandatory speech.  Thank God we aren’t like those moral compromisers who practice double standards.
NeverTrumpers refused to cast votes against a Democrat — Hillary Clinton — who stood, and continues to stand, for a long list of policies which are absolutely abhorrent to Christ and therefore also to faithful Christians.

… &

[E]verything French says on this subject [of Christian faith expressed in politics] is based on a… false premise…  That [false] premise is this: Christian citizens discredit their faith and give scandal to the Gospel itself if they choose a lesser evil in public life instead of accepting a much greater evil, and keeping their hands “clean” by giving up any [political] influence, even in self-defense.

… &

National Review writer and self-proclaimed evangelical David French… denies that his NeverTrump stance carries the ‘blood of unborn children‘…  But… French’s bizarre passivity about bad GOP judges… is wildly insufficient…  The fact that we can’t trust decades’ worth of Republican justices to behave as originalists… is not some law of nature [Christians] have to accept…  Reading French’s column, one senses a theme shared by a lot of ‘pro-life’ NeverTrumpers’ rationalizations: a distinct lack of moral urgency for the task of ending abortion…

[Such a lack of “moral urgency” to end abortion is another clear example of a total lack of awareness of God’s  hierarchy of sin .]


Supporting President Trump Does Not Threaten the Preaching of the Gospel
Because Not Offending Others Has Never Been the Goal Preaching the Gospel
If It Was, Christ & the Apostles Would Not Have Offended People, But They Did
So Often, In Fact, They Were All Martyred


[T]he Evil One [Satan] is [perpetually] insidious. [He] manipulates [some professing “Christians’] fear of embracing evil… [so that] they cannot vote for Donald Trump.  Their bottom-line objection is that a Christian shouldn’t vote for such an unpleasant, some say despicable person [which Trump absolutely  was  — almost all the time —  prior to  the 2016 election, and sometimes still is].  The irony of their self-righteousness apparently is lost on [themselves, though] [as Trump’s  ongoing ] impetuousness and obnoxiousness [are far less evil] than… [the Democrats’baby-killing  [among  dozens  of  other  anti-Chris-ian  things including  willful  ignorance  —  even  outright  support  and  defense  —  of  mass  riotingarson  , &  looting  of hard-earned private property]…  Throughout history [as  recorded  in the Bible] God has used [fallen, sinful] people to do great things — even to be His own disciples whom the self-righteous wouldn’t have chosen…  Every candidate falls short of the glory of God.  The choice is, and always is, which candidate will do more good.  That choice in [2020] is obvious.

… &

Can Christians Vote for Someone Who Is Vain and Boastful — Like Donald Trump?

God deliberately confounds our moral calculus — especially those calculations designed to make us look more righteous than others.  Jesus nominates a Roman centurion who likely brutalized Jews in that region as having ‘the greatest faith.’  Jesus chose a tax collector named Matthew who was likely deemed a political traitor by his community for his heinous cooperation with and orchestration of brutal Roman imperial confiscation of property.  None of this makes sense to us and the local knowledge brokers called Jesus out for his outrageous affiliations with the politically reprobate…  Jesus himself was crucified for boasting that he could destroy the temple in three days and rebuild it.  His accusers tore their clothes they were so grieved by his arrogance and strife stirring.  Apparently, in first century A.D. false witness was also prone to happen from time to time.  But the wisdom of God is foolishness to men.


Why Real Christians Support Donald Trump Despite His Many Flaws

… &

Christians can “love” Trump without overlooking his faults


[Many professing Christians — even some true Christians — refused to vote for Donald Trump — especially in 2020 — because of a) his grossly immoral past (prior to being elected President) and b) his ongoing — though progressively less frequent — hypocritical and anti-Christ-ian behavior.  In August of 2020, evangelical theologian  Wayne Grudem  — who is cited several times on  this  ASND page — published a letter he wrote to a fellow Christian who was critical of Grudem’s political support for Donald Trump as a candidate as opposed to support for Donald Trump’s personal behavior.  The following is a paraphrased summary of that letter.]

Most Christian criticism of Donald Trump focuses on his past (and to a lesser extent on some of his recent behavior, confined mostly to his frequent use of Twitter) rather than his policy record as President.  But such criticism is personal rather than political.  Christians are rarely offered an opportunity to vote for Christ-honoring Christians but they are called to vote for politicians who will execute Christ-honoring policies.  Donald Trump has done that more often than he has not, while his opponents — both in 2016 and 2020 — have done that almost never.  Much Christian criticism of Donald Trump also comes from political ignorance of the reality that political policy conservatism — which Donald Trump has usually (but  not  always ) displayed since his election (which, btw, he did not display for most of his life  prior  to his election) — is actually biblical (i.e. Christ-ian) political policy.  Liberal  political  policy , on the other hand, is almost always  anti-Christ-ian  and  this ASND page  is devoted to making that reality unavoidably clear.


[Voting for Donald Trump, however, did not have to include supporting everything he did and said (including in his Tweets).  Trump was always going to be Trump, which means he would continue to show  little if any  personal awareness of his own moral depravity — thereby disqualifying himself as a  Christian .  With that in mind, Christians should have kept the following essay in mind as well by avoiding — like the plague — blind, sychophantic devotion to Donald Trump the man (which is idolatry) while remaining steadfastly supportive of his many biblically justified — even mandated — policies (which, policies, sadly, were  not  always  biblically justified.]

For many Bible-loving followers of Jesus, Donald Trump was our last choice for the Republican nomination.  We didn’t like his past.  We were appalled with some of his comments.  And we didn’t trust him to keep his promises…  Come election day, [many Christians] voted for him.  But, still, for many of [them], there was great trepidation.  How would he behave once elected?  Would he live up to his campaign commitments to evangelicals?  And would the good he would do outweigh the bad?…  Then, he was elected… and the crazier the Democrats became, the happier [most true Christians] were to have Trump (rather than Hillary) in office…  Trump kept many of his promises to us, one after the other.  He did fight for our religious liberty.  He did nominate lots of fine justices to the courts.  He did sign pro-life legislation.  He did push back against LGBT extremism [though hardly with much effort, see  here ].  He did move the embassy to Jerusalem.  Not only so, but he surrounded himself with fine Christian leaders and appointed many fine evangelical leaders to his Cabinet.  In fact, in contrast with some past Republican leaders [namely both Bushes] who got close to evangelicals while running for office then cut many of those ties once elected, Trump has done the opposite.  He is more connected to [Christians] than ever…  [As a result, many Christians] now feel the need to defend him at every turn.  If he uses ugly rhetoric and engages in personal insult, [many Christians] applaud him…  If he stretches the truth to make a point (to put it mildly), [many Christians] say, ‘Show me one politician who tells the truth.‘  If he makes a wrong policy decision, [many Christians are] silent…  But just a few years ago [those same Christians] would have called these things out.  [They] would have said, ‘This is disgraceful [i.e. anti-Christ-ian] behavior, unfitting for a president‘…  Instead, today, [many of those Christians] feel morally obligated to defend his every decision and word [including his gross errors and ourtright lies]But why?  [Why do so many Christians now] seem to show more loyalty to the president than to [their] Lord[?]   [Biblically speaking, true] Christian witness and… moral integrity must [always] come first…  Christian[s should] not… define [themselves] as being pro-Trump or anti-Trump.  [Christians should d]efine [themselves] as being… followers of Jesus who [are] pro-truth, pro-justice, pro-life, pro-good.  Then, [Christians should] live and speak and vote accordingly.


God used King Cyrus, an unlikely vessel who didn’t even know who Yahweh really was, to bless His people Israel.  We believe God is going to use Trump to do good things for God’s people too, even though there’s no evidence he has a personal relationship with the Lord.

[Well, “we” don’t all believe that because none of “us” actually knows that.  But there is absolutely no question that God already has used Donald Trump “to do good things for His people“… and for countless millions of other people as well.]


Christian Nationalism:

[ASND cannot leave this page without addressing the so-called “Christian Nationalism” which was popularized by certain members of Trump’s personal cult following (whom ASND refers to as  Trumpeters ) .  While usually  overstated  by NeverTrumpers, the version of “Christian Nationalism” which was (and still is) displayed by the cultic  Trumpeters  (e.g. at the January 6th, 2021 Capitol riot) was never Christian and wasn’t informed, legitimate nationalism either.  The following essays (along with the embedded hyperlinks in this sentence)  rightly  define  acceptably  biblical  nationalism , rightly refute the abuse of the term “Christian Nationalism” by NeverTrumpers, and rightly rebuke the  Trumpeters  who also abused the term “Christian Nationalism” and who also abused the biblical texts to justify misguided idolatry.]

The Christian case for nation-states
A Biblical, theological, and historical case against empires & globalism.


The Good of Nationalism
Why Christians Should be Nationalists


The nationalist loves his people and place; the anti-nationalist loves love.  He’s a slave to sentimentality.  He would never dream of making any nation ‘great again,’ because that would of necessity mean that one nation would be better than another. Anti-nationalism repudiates any idea of meritocracy and romanticizes mediocrity.  In this way, a victory for the anti-nationalist results in the triumph of insignificance…  Globalism says that we have to attain perfection everywhere by quashing progress anywhere.  Nationalism is not bold enough to articulate the first proposition, or callous enough to attempt the second.  There is a certain humility which constrains a sober nationalism. We are not in possession of perfection, so we cannot possibly export it…  But as Christians… [w]e have a settled confidence that God has lost none of His ancient power.  If it is His eternal purpose to reign over nations of men who have been duly baptized in the Triune Name, then it is unholy presumption to say otherwise.  Baptized nations — not amalgamations or consolidations — but great nations will bear their glory into the New Jerusalem upon the ships of Tarshish.  A ‘Christian’ nationalist simply says that it is right to live today as though God were being honest about tomorrow.


Protecting Christian Political Theology from the Lie of “Christian Nationalism
It is hypocritical for secular critics to accept only those religious claims that conform to liberal sentiment and to label any disfavored religious claim as Christian Nationalism.  Christianity cannot be permissible to polite society only when it meets with the approval of its cultured despisers


[N]ational, ethnic, and language groups are not arbitrary human creations or social constructs, but divinely-created entities that reflect the purposes and glory of God.  Nations arise organically as extensions of families.  In the Old Testament, nations are the descendants of a particular ancestor [Genesis 10].  Nations have a collective identity and a shared ancestry, along with a shared worldview that is the product of a common language, religion, and customs.  In other words, God created tribes [&] nations… with an affinity for their own.  A deep affection for one’s kinsmen is natural and good, indeed an outgrowth of the commandment to honor our fathers and mothers.  Nationalism is simply the self-conscious awareness that seeks to develop and improve the nation.  Scripture likewise teaches that nations point us to God himself.

He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.’
Acts 17:26-27


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