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Theodicy: Responding to the Problem of Evil

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[W]hen someone asks, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’, [a] completely biblical, though partial, rejoinder is this: ‘[N]o one is good but God alone! Bad things don’t happen to good people because no one is good.‘” [Mark 10:18 , Romans 3:10-18]


[ASND thanks Wintery Knight for that image.]

“God Allows Suffering To… keep us dependent on Him… so that we will long more for heaven and less for the world.”

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“God Allows Suffering To… make us more like Christ… [and] to teach us humility… [and prepare us] to comfort others who also suffer.”

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What are God’s purposes for allowing adversity in my life?

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“God uses adversity to get our attention, to remind us of our weakness and dependence on Him, to motivate us to spend time with Him and to draw us closer to the people He has chosen to care for us, to prepare us to comfort others who also suffer, to assure us of our adoption [just as Christ suffered, immensely more than we ever will, and ALL for our sake], to remind us of the ugliness of sin by forcing us to examine and confess our own sin [sin being the one and only reason Jesus Christ — God in human flesh — ever came to live and die on Earth in the first place], and to grow us in our faith — the inevitable result of the previous several uses of adversity in the lives of true believers.”

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In the Bible, plagues and pestilence come from the hand of God as signs of His wrath against sin. That is, they are not simply punishments for individual or collective transgressions; rather, they depict God’s judgment and also His plan of salvation.


The Example of Job


Why Suffering & Trials?


We Don’t Take Human Evil Seriously so We Don’t Understand Why We Suffer


Natural (or Man-Made) Disasters?
Why do bad things happen to good people? is not the right question.  The right question is, “Why do good things happen to bad people?
Jesus’s warning in Luke 13:1-7 may come off as terse, even slightly harsh, but it is a word of grace: Turn to the Lord while there is still time.  The point is simple, but we miss it to our peril.


The Merciful Gift of Desperation


The way God uses our tragedies is by making us a blessing to other people in them so he’s never, ever wasting any of our suffering.


When Life Hurts


Does God create evil?

Exodus 4:11, Isaiah 45:7 and Amos 3:6


The simple presence of free will is not enough to explain the origin of evil, in as much as we still must ask how a good being would be inclined freely to choose evil.  The inclination for the will to act in an immoral manner is already a signal of sin.


How Should Christians Approach the Problem of Evil


[Aurora], CO: Where Was God?

[ASDN would like to ask, “How come no one in the media reported that James Holmes is a Christian?  Hmm?”]

[Oh, right.  Because James Holmes isn’t a Christian.  Our bad.]

[Never mind.]


Some consider the fact that God allows children to suffer or die to be an indictment of His character.  But when we look at the [inevitable] problems of a world in which children cannot be injured or die, we glimpse the bigger picture of what God is doing to prepare humans for eternal life.


Where is God and the Connecticut School Shooting


The Tragedy in Connecticut: How should the Christian respond?

[BTW, ASND wonders how many of those who immediately called for additional gun control saw this story, published the very same day as the Connecticut story (well, published everywhere but in the mainstream media, that is): “A knife-wielding man slashed 22 children and an adult at an elementary school in central China on Friday, state media reported, the latest in a series of attacks on schoolchildren in the country.”,0,5592318.story .]

[ ASND also wonders how many of those people saw this story, also published the same day as Connecticut: Four people set on fire during assault in North Denver ]

[ASND wonders if those people also call for more laws against knives and gasoline since everyone knows people don’t kill people, knives and gasoline do.]

[ASND also wonders why American school systems aren’t willing to be more like Israeli school systems, who provide protection FOR young lives rather protection against them. ]


Last week’s shootings, which killed [20 children and 7 adults], demonstrated once again the folly of “gun-free zones,” which attract and assist people bent on mass murder instead of deterring them.

[For those who won’t bother to actually read it, that story wasn’t actually about the Newtown, CT massacre, which was “last week” as of this writing.  That article was orginally about  another   massacre  (on a U.S. military base, no less) which, like the Newtown massacre, could have been greatly limited had there been armed adults in the building (as there are in  Israeli schools ).   It probably comes as no surprise to learn that firearm-trained teachers are prohibited from carrying those weapons of mass protection into government schools. But how many of you knew that trained U.S. soldiers are also not allowed to carry their own weapons on military bases?]


A world without evil, could quite possibly be the worst world of all.


Evil as Evidence for God


When anything painful, sorrowful, or grievous befalls us, it is never an act of injustice on God’s part, because God does not owe us freedom from tragedies.  He does not owe us protection from falling towers.  We are debtors to God and cannot repay.  Our only hope to avoid perishing at the hands of God is repentance.


There’s a purpose for why you’re in the fire.


The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: A Theodicy


Sci-Fi, Free Will, and the Problem of Evil


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