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Christ vs. Social Justice

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[Since the initial, primary purveyors of so-called “Social Justice” (at least as it is purveyed now in the U.S.; its origins are traced to  19th century Italy ) were/are black (not surprisingly, millions of white liberals have joined the cause since it began in the 1960s), ASND offers at the top of this page the considered, researched opinions on “Social Justice” of several credentialed (i.e. expert) black Americans (who are also faithful Christians), which opinions are simply unavailable to read anywhere in the mainstream, left wing media (which, of course, it the reason ASND exists).]

Discounting the concept of social justice as inherently wrong is a mistake many conservatives make.  Acknowledging that the modern [left wing] manifestations which claim the mantle of social justice [such as  Black Lives Matter ] are wrong is a better way of looking at it.

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[I]t has become popular for [some professing] Christians today to declare social justice a ‘Gospel issue,’ or a moral imperative for Christ-followers… [But] Christians should be ashamed to use the term Social Justice [because] it doesn’t mean what many [professing ‘Christian’] believers claim it means…  [Left wing] scholar William H. Young… describes social justice as ‘state redistribution of advantages and resources to disadvantaged groups to satisfy their rights to social and economic equality‘…  In other words, social justice is redistributive ‘justice’ — a material process of leveling the playing field for certain groups that are deemed ‘disadvantaged.’  It is essentially  socialism  and/or Marxism [both of which are ardently atheistic and therefore inherently anti-Christ-ian]…  When you look at prominent social justice groups and the issues they are fighting for — same sex marriage, abortion, affirmative action for women and select minorities, redistribution of justly earned income or power — it’s clear that these are… incompatible with the biblical understanding of true justice.”

Dr. Voddie Baucham [A black American hero, who also said what was quoted in the previous citation just above]


Black Christian Leaders: Churches Preaching Social Justice Philosophies Are ‘Cursing‘ Their Parishioners



[Dr. Thomas Sowell (Ph.D., Economics) is also a  black American hero .]


Pioneers of yesterday’s ‘Emergent Church Movement,’ such as Doug Pagitt, have become acolytes for the Democrats.  Mangling Jesus’ promise in John 14:12 in a move that sounds eerily similar to Joel Osteen’s exegetical magic, Pagitt’s book Outdoing Jesus: Seven Ways to Live out the Promise of ‘Greater Than’ merely substitutes the miracles of the Social Gospel for those of the Prosperity Gospel…  [T]he (‘Christian’) faith has become a Christless cloak for group narcissism, which is also known as identity politics…  Is the right to life anything but a social justice issue?  To defend civil protection of marriage as between one man and one woman is just as much a concern for social justice as the defense of equality before the law for all…  We defend traditional marriage because we love God and our neighbors, including those rebelling against God’s created order.  In fact, the very phrase ‘social justice’ comes from a long history of Christian influence from Augustine to the present…  In the 1970s, Francis Schaeffer awakened American evangelicals to the scandal of abortion-on-demand and euthanasia…  I understand why many Christians bristle at the term ‘social justice.’  Over the past decade, it has been coopted for a radical liberal agenda. ‘Fundamentalist’ in its bullying demands, the secular Left has been remarkably successful in its sweeping experiment of social engineering.  And it happened with whiplash speed…  [I]n the 1920s, American Protestantism divided into ‘modernists’ and ‘fundamentalists.’  The former gave up Christianity for a  Pelagian  anthropology and  Arian  Christology, paving the way for today’s gnostic secularists.  While posing as liberal and open-minded, the secular Left exhibits what remains of its revivalist fervor, moral superiority, and censorious finger-wagging.  One can hardly imagine a more self-righteous modern ‘Church Lady’ than the average CNN talking head or college student body president.  Pressing the imagination, such representatives employ legalistic rhetoric for what are essentially antinomian principles.  There are no moral absolutes, except the ones the priests of the Left agree upon—and for which they are willing thereafter to persecute others for questioning…  Conservative parents and pastors have every reason to be concerned when the younger generations bring secular brainwashing into the church…  The fact that we are no longer under the old covenant theocracy does not obviate the fact that God holds people accountable, not just for private sins but for public ones…  God takes his righteousness, or justice, seriously because he created the world naturally good and humans in his own image.  There is a created origin, purpose, and goal — that is, a nature — that we did not and cannot choose or unchoose for ourselves.  Take away justice and you deflate the whole cosmos of its ethical significance.  If the creator of the visible world is someone or something other than the sovereign God, then nothing we do matters…  No one is justified by refraining from homosexual practice, but those who are justified are new creatures in Christ, required to abandon such a lifestyle.  Abortion is not the unpardonable sin, but does that mean Christians are free to sin?  With the apostle Paul, we must say,By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?‘ (Rom. 6:2)…  On the one hand, we know that we cannot transform the world into a perfect society, any more than we can attain perfection in personal holiness…  On the other hand,we press onin repentance and faith — not only in guarding our hearts against pornography but also against our complicity in [true, biblical] social injustices…  Justice matters, because the Creator-God matters…  Just because our good works cannot justify us does not mean that they do not glorify God and serve others.  Just because God’s common grace in the City of Man merely restrains sin, rather than cancel its debt and bondage, does not lessen its value.  Just because we will not reach perfect justice between neighbors in this age does not mean we should not reach for greater justice than we see around us.

[Dr. Horton — unfortunately, unfairly, and not infrequently — also condemns all self-identifying “conservative” Christians in that essay by confusing and conflating false, legalistic “conservatives” who believe they can change hearts and minds by simply changing godless laws (rather than by exposing the logical and moral errors inherent to godless laws —  Acts 17:16-21 ) with true, gospel-centered conservatives who understand that conservatism is the appropriate, righteous, and therefore biblical response to God’s grace rather than a means to merit God’s grace or impose His will.  Horton also gets several other things wrong in that essay (which I will address below) but he does get this much right in his criticism of aggregated — rather than rightly defined and segregated — conservatives, but only if my parenthetical insertion is included.]

[C]onservative Christians often share more in common with their leftward nemeses than they suppose.  For [some of] them… politics is the sharp end of the spear: change the government and political policies, get enough judges on the bench, and America can become a ‘Christian nation’ again…

[The “conservatives” about which Horton made that statement — sans my parenthetical insertion — are not true conservatives.  Horton is right, therefore, to criticize the false “conservatives” he is actually addressing, even if his mislabeling them misidentifies them.  The other errors Horton makes in that essay — quoted at length above because he does make some excellent, factually correct points therein — relate to his lack of awareness of the details surrounding true conservatives’ criticism of radical, anti-Christian  environmentalism  (including the  global  warming  hoax ), the  left-wing  social justice agenda (which this page addresses), white  racism  (Horton completely ignores black  racism ), the actual  dearth  of political preaching from evangelical pulpits (see the From The Pulpit” section on that cited page; Horton falsely claims there is an excess of such preaching), and other subsets of  liberalism’s  anti-Christ-ian goals and political agenda to reach those goals.]


If Americans lose liberty and freedom — which… is the ultimate goal of this [ current ] Marxist  revolution  [deceitfully using the valid “black lives matter” sentiment under the  false pretense  of the  anti-Christian and anti-capitalist  Black Lives Matter political organization]— then [Christians] will not have the freedom to share the Gospel or do apologetics [i.e. reason from evidence] in the public square or on social media…  Indeed, when Marxists gain power, the first people to be silenced — or worse [i.e. murdered, which is the ultimate form of silencing] — are the philosophically-minded theologians (See,  China , Cuba , Venezuela , North Korea , the  ‘Great Purge‘  of the Soviet Union, and the staggering  Communist body count )…  Christians, if we do not speak out and fight this good fight now, we may never be able to speak out or fight for anything ever again!  [True Christians are] fighting for the right of freethinkers to freely speak — even if they disagree with [the truth, which includes the fact that Marxism is anti-Christian, anti-freedom, and anti-human].”

[BTW and for the record…]

There is a Non-Marxist Biblical Alternative to ‘Black Lives Matter


Many young Christians didn’t learn how to understand justice from Scripture.  So in college, they learned how to understand justice from culture.  And now, they think injustice is justice.  And they interpret Scripture through culture, not culture through Scripture.  That’s why many professing Christians are more committed to Black Lives Matter than Biblical theology.  But our culture’s understanding of justice — or social justice ideology — hasn’t only infiltrated colleges, it’s also infiltrated churches.  Professors are influencing Christians to adopt an unbiblical view of justice, and pastors are encouraging them to embrace it — especially Reformed pastors…  Behind rhetoric like ‘protecting our witness to the culture‘ and ‘producing more multi-ethnic churches‘, many influential Reformed leaders have embraced social justice ideology…  Reformed theology [though, as opposed to professing Reformed Christians] isn’t vulnerable to [the lies of] social justice ideology [which many professing Reformed Christians are] — far from it.  In fact, as a synonym for biblical theology, Reformed theology is diametrically opposed to social justice ideology.  But many Reformed people today are mostly just 5 point Calvinists who do not embrace [their Reformed] confessions or the implications of the [S]olas.

[Written by a black, Reformed Christian.]


What do you call it when someone takes someone else’s money openly by force?
What do you call it when a politician takes someone else’s money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him?
Social Justice.

Thomas Sowell, Ph.D., Economics &  black American hero



Social Justice is a modern form of collectivism founded in 19th century Hegelianism, the same fundamental philosophy behind the theological movements of  Modernism and  Neo-Orthodoxy [both of which became the] foundational principle[s] behind [atheistic] Marxism , [ anti-Christian Socialism , [and anti-Christianpolitical  and  theological Liberalism .”


What should Christians believe about economic policy and social justice?


Social Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine The Gospel


Th[e] social ‘gospel’ approach [to preaching, a.k.a. ‘social justice’ or ‘ woke ‘ preaching] is nothing other than a bullying technique and classic legalism… this very approach we are seeing unfold in our times became the cause of the emptying of the churches in the U.K [in the mid-20th century]

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[T]here are significant positive aspects of the woke movement.  ‘Stay Woke’ has been a watchword for African-Americans encouraging others to stay awake to the deceptions and dangers of this world.  Being alert or awake to threat could make the difference between life or death in the struggle for racial justice…  There’s a lot of Christian ‘moral DNA’ in wokeness.  Christian leaders, such as William Wilberforce and Martin Luther King Jr, rooted their struggle against racism in the teachings of Jesus…  Many [Christian] thinkers [however]… feel that there are real deep-seated and threatening problems in wokeness…  Particularly troubling is the way that wokeness deals with dissenters.  People are defined as either ‘woke‘ or ‘not woke‘ in a way that extends far beyond a concern for racial justice and this shuts down dialogue and the possibility to grow in awareness around other justice issues…  It is here that ‘cancel culture‘ — an effort to shame, silence and sideline an individual or institution because of beliefs or opinions deemed socially unacceptable — intersects with wokeness, which is a whole new form of vindictive exclusion…  [There is also] a troubling naivety within the movement with its apparent view that sexism only occurs with men, and racism only with white people.  The sad reality is that all human beings have a tendency to be unjust toward others ( Rom 3:10-18 , 23 )…  The fuel for wokeness often seems to be anger: something seen not just in violent demonstrations but in the hunting out and pursuit of offenders. Journalists, executives, celebrities and even preachers increasingly find themselves carefully checking what they write or say, lest those committed to a woke ideology slander them on social media and then at their door…  The concept of ‘being woke’ is an attempt to create moral boundaries but without God.  It offers only a bleak and hopeless world in which a stern and constantly shifting morality subjects all to a judgment from which there can be no redemption or restoration. Far more preferable is the Christian message which, while it points out our deepest moral failings, offers us through Christ both pardon and a changed life.  Ultimately, wokeness needs both real grace and true forgiveness, and only God can give us that.


Christ vs. Critical Race Theory:

God loves [us] black people as much as he loves everyone else.  That’s why he rebukes [us] black people just as much as he rebukes everyone else.  Christ shows no partiality.  We [black people] should be more like him, and less like critical race theorists.


[C]ritical theory [and intersectionalityreduces human beings to categories according to race, gender, sexual preference and orientation, income, [etc. while]…  Intersectionality… is an attempt to solve the problem of belonging to more than one group by measuring out the level of oppression a person experiences due to their various identities…  [C]ritical theory seeks to address these perceived privileges and imbalances of power and oppression, and it has become a dominant theory in higher education and in other arenas of culture…  Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why…  [1] Critical theory claims that our identity as human beings is in rooted in things like race and gender [but]…  But the Bible grounds our identity as human beings… in the fact that we are created in God’s own image…  [2] The Bible identifies sin as anything that violates God’s design for people, including unjust oppression of other people, but critical theory identifies sin only as oppression.  As a result, advocates of critical theory would see biblical practices such as discipleship, correction, leadership, and reproof as sinful assertions of power…  [3] According to the Bible, because we are all equally guilty of sin, salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance…  Because critical theory teaches that oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not, salvation for the oppressed is found, not through repentance, but in social liberation here and now.  Their hope is only though [political] activism.  In other words, critical theory has a completely different understanding of who we are, what the problem is, and how to fix it, than Christianity.


Critical Race Theory  & Social Justice: Are They Compatible With Christianity?
Short Answer: No, because the former are core concepts of  modern liberalism , which is antithetical to Christianity.


The Incompatibility of  Critical  Race Theory  and Christianity


Critical Race Theory  vs Critical Thinking


Critical race theory  contains a fatal self-contradiction.  While proponents of the theory treat everyone else’s beliefs as relative to social conditions, they treat their own beliefs as objective and universally true.  And they are just as exclusive as anyone else in insisting that their view captures the way things really are.


As a theory,  CRT  descends from European and North American philosophical traditions, particularly Marxism and Postmodernism.  Like these worldviews of its intellectual ancestry,  CRT  sees the world in terms of power dynamics.  In this way of thinking, social evils such as poverty, crime, or oppression result not from universal human frailties but from Euro-Americans intent on securing and increasing their economic and social power.  Based on this metanarrative, equality and justice demand privileging the stories of those kept out of power [a.k.a. “cancelled]…  Many Christian critics… are specifically concerned with how  CRT  conflicts with a Christian worldview, particularly in areas of identity and morality [because] the answers  CRT  provides are very different than those Christianity offers…  By simplistically reducing evil to power dynamics and external social realities,  CRT  denies moral agency and the redemptive potential of entire groups of people because of their racial identity…  If we rob our Faith of its social implications, we are no longer talking about Christianity.  Such a personalized, privatized moral system may make us feel better, but it will never stand up to the rival worldviews of our day.


According to CRT, the fundamental problem with America is its ‘whiteness‘…  Our ‘original sin,’ then, according to CRT, is whiteness…  A culture’s ‘salvation’ from that fall begins when the oppressors become ‘ woke ‘ — when they see and repent from their own sins as oppressors and begin to dismantle the inherently oppressive structures of their culture.  Since whites can’t see their own racism (according to CRT), they need to learn to see the world through the CRT lens.  Only then will racial equality be possible… [Since] CRT is rooted in a blend of two [atheistic] worldviews: Marxism… and secular humanism… salvation comes [only] through [left wing politics], not [God’s] grace.  Forgiveness only comes after complete and ongoing capitulation [to anti-Christ-ian, atheistic liberalism].”


The Satanic Origins of Certain Equality and Justice Doctrines

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Witches do not hide their involvement in the violent [2020] protests [against alleged racism by police]…  The hashtag #witchesforblm serves a meeting place for practicing witches who want to learn how to cast protection spells, draw occult sigils, and hex police.  Five days after the hashtag started, it garnered 10 million views on the TikTok app…  The witches are part of a growing movement mixing [liberal] politics and the occult.  Numerous books of spells have been published since the 2016 elections advising occultist activists how to invoke the powers of darkness for [exclusively liberal] political causes.  Witches and satanists are appearing more often in public to push their agenda and display their scorn for God and His Law.  Such occult activism appears at odds with past leftist policies.  The left used to follow a secular outlook that did not recognize spiritual powers of any kind. It always tried to keep politics and Christianity separate by labeling Christian action as superstitious.  However, the left is now welcoming witches and occultists with their dark arts into the public square.


The Research Proves The No. 1 Social Justice Imperative Is Marriage
For the last 20 years, marital status has increasingly become the central factor in whether our neighbors rise above, remain, or descend into poverty.  The research is astounding.


Declaration of Independence Denounced as ‘Systemically Racist’ at Evangelical Conference.

[The article quotes Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and several others in clear refutation of such idiocy.]


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