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Christianity Today Magazine

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Recent Christianity Today Controversies:

Russell Moore… the man at the vanguard pulling the  Southern Baptist Convention  (SBC) leftward was welcomed to the radial, pro-impeachment and Never Trump Christianity Today.

[Not long after that article was published, Russell Moore — quite surprisingly — resigned from the SBC’s ELC.]


An  article  in Christianity Today [entitled] The Shocking Necessity of Racist Violence… follows the … pattern [of  Critical Race Theory ] [by illegitimately] conflate[ing] three deaths in three very different circumstances… [and] impl[ying] that racist violence defines moral reality… [making] an [unchallengeable] axiomatic assertion about ‘white Christianity‘ [… that it] exists to maintain false piety and sear the consciences of white people against the oppression and exploitation of blacks…  Are [all] white-skinned people who gather to pray and worship [Jesus Christ] inevitably practicing ‘white Christianity‘?…  [The article also assumes that the Christian] faith of [all white people] is in fact an instrument for oppressing [black people]…  There is no [Christian] conversation [about race in evangelical America today] because organs such as Christianity Today fail to promote respectful and thoughtful engagement [about the subject]…  [When will] Christianity Today [allow any credentialed, Christian] critic of [ Critical Race Theory ] the same access to column inches (much less the same immunity to criticism) that they have accorded writers who make sweeping [illegitimate judgments] about ‘white Christianity‘[?]”


In a recent article in Christianity Today, Judd Birdsall of the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University analyzed the differences between how the Biden Administration has handled religious liberty concerns so far, and how his predecessor [Donald Trump] did…   Birdsall… argued that the State Department under President Trump had exaggerated claims of global religious oppression.  This seems a strange statement to make.  As a friend said to me in response to the article, ‘Whether it’s 80% of the world’s population or it’s 56 nations that are in trouble, it is still a huge problem‘…  Birdsall also took issue with tone and tenor difference between Trump officials and Biden officials, claiming that the previous administration was too boastful about its commitment to religious liberty….  [But] The Biden administration so far has followed the Obama administration’s second-term tack in placing LGBTQ and abortion access concerns front and center in international dealings.  A truly more humble government would stop targeting and restricting the conscience rights of private business owners like  Jack Phillips and Barronelle Stutzman , or religious institutions like  Christian colleges  and  orders of nuns …  [T]he fact [simply is] that the U.S. government [only under Donald Trump] finally put the first freedom [of religion, as explicated in the  First Amendment  to the U.S. Constitution] at the forefront of its international relationships, and [Christians should all] hope that [the U.S. government] would do so again going forward [which is wishful thinking in the extreme as long as the Biden/Harris administration is in power]... Birdsall admits that the Biden administration holds an ‘Article 18‘ view of freedom, seeing religious liberty as something to be worked out [only after those] of other freedoms, especially sexual freedom.   [But] That view is opposed right in the very first issue of Christianity Today in an article written by its founding editor, Carl Henry [which means the  leftistanti-Christ-ian  takeover @ Christianity Today is in clear, unapologetic opposition to its own foundational roots].”


Christianity Today Features Muslim Activist to Complain About Trump’s Fictional ‘Muslim Ban’


“Christianity Today… decided that building the kingdom of God includes calling for the impeachment of President Trump [on what were known from the beginning to be completely  false charges ].  A false, virtue-signaling kind of kingdom-building to be sure…


Ed Stetzer’s new book on White Fragility is deeply immoral and hypocritical.  The fact that the book is unabashedly racist is not the least of its problems, but may not be the greatest, either.


Christianity Today calls for churches to pay reparations to black people

[Even though slavery ended in the U.S.A. a full century and a half ago.]


Christianity Today’s article against tax exemptions for churches is jaw-dropping — and deeply flawed


Christianity Today goes full Democrat and lies about Donald Trump

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By claiming that the ‘facts are unambiguous‘ that Trump is guilty, Christianity Today is plainly lying to its readers.

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Christianity Today Betrays the Truth


Long ago, Evangelicals at Christianity Today digressed, departed, and deserted biblical Christianity and with this unfair, untrue, and unprovoked attack on President Trump they have also deserted common sense.

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CT has been highly critical of Trump for years.

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Christianity Today is Leftist Magazine

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Christianity Today asks ‘why aren’t more Christians socialists?‘ while the rest of us ask ‘Why isn’t Christianity Today more Christian?‘”

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Remember that Christianity Today is Backed by Anti-Christ-ian Socialist Billionaire George Soros


Former CT editor Mark Galli who called for Trump’s impeachment accused of sexual harassment

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Christianity Today’s Mark Galli fails to say exactly what part of the Constitution he thinks that Trump violated.
Galli also fails to show how Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine was “profoundly immoral.”  It is not immoral to investigate possible corruption — it’s what governments should do.
Galli implyies that Trump should be held accountable – and removed from office! – for the wrongdoing of people who worked for him.  This is the unjust principle of ‘guilt by association.’
Galli also wants to remove Trump from office because he has admitted to “immoral actions in business and his relationship with women.”  At this point Galli [is] referring to actions done [only] before Trump was elected president.
Galli has made a false accusation about Trump’s frequent Tweets.  The most objectionable thing that he’s actually done in those tweets is label his political opponents with derogatory nicknames.
Galli also claims that Trump’s tweets contain a “habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders.”  But Galli never identifies which tweets are actually false and most of those claimed to be false by the mainstream, left wing media [which, apparently, is all Galli ever reads or watches] are demonstrably false themselves.

[That article was written by Bible-believing conservative Wayne Grudem, Ph.D.  Not surprisingly, it was immediately criticized by a Bible-revisionist Michael Bird. Fortunately, another Bible-believing conservative — Robert Gagnon, Ph.D. — refuted Bird’s nonsense.]

To claim that Wayne Grudem’s voting support for Trump is part of a grand design to keep himself or his fellow evangelicals ‘positioned in the court of earthly power‘ is absurd in the extreme (a position in society and politics incidentally that Grudem does not hold).  Grudem had even called for voting against Trump at one point in October 2016 out of concern for Trump’s immoral life eight years earlier and beyond.


[T]he [ anti-Christ-ian  mainstream, liberal] secular media will spin [CT‘s anti-Trump Op-Ed] to deepen the divide between [Christians].  It will be used to make rejection of Trump a litmus test for true evangelical Christianity.  It will be used to discourage evangelicals from voting for Trump, if not to shame them from voting for him….  [Additionally, most] evangelicals who do not believe the Democratic charges against Trump.  They see the impeachment [for what it is:] a witch hunt and a sham…  [As such] the [impeachment] charges are hardly ‘unambiguous‘.  Quite the contrary… [Since, therefore,] the president did not abuse his power as president [CT] believe[s] that Trump should be removed from office [simply] because of his offensive tweets and comments…  [CT] might be the talk of left-wing media today…  But tomorrow they will view [CT] as just another bigoted, hateful, homophobic, misogynist [media organization which] opposes women’s rights and believes in an antiquated book…  [Christians should] support [Donald Trump] for the very real good he does do.  Much of this good is on behalf of causes that are of great importance to [true Christians].  Religious liberty really does matter.  Protecting babies in the womb really does matter.  Helping the poor get better jobs really does matter.  These, too, are issues of justice and righteousness.  We simply need to be consistent when it comes to our ethics, meaning, we should call balls and strikes with fairness and impartiality.  And we should call for ethical behavior as loudly as we call for righteous legislation…  [Indeed,] under the [Trump] administration, there has been a dumbing down of the idea of morality.  And it’s true that many evangelicals now wink at things that once grieved them, thankful to have a man like Trump who will stand up and fight (many would say, ‘Finally!’).  But that doesn’t mean we remove him for his alleged dumbing down of morality.  It means we [must be] careful not to lose our own morality in the process.


When the Christianity Today Editor’s Feelings Trump Facts


“[Fake] evangelical New Testament scholar Scot McKnight has written a contradictory piece defending Mark Galli and Timothy Dalrymple’s call for evangelicals to remove Trump from office in Christianity Today…  McKnight cites fondly the view of Randall Balmer, a historian of American religion… Balmer is no neutral voice in this discussion.  He is a hard-left, pro-LGBTQ coercion, pro-‘choice’ Democrat who has arrogantly said that [Dobson’s] ‘evangelical theology assures me that no one, not even … James Dobson, lies beyond the reach of redemption.’ [Balmer] is also the author of a book subtitled, How the Religious Right Distorts Faith and Threatens America…  Thus, while McKnight claims to be arguing against both evangelical left and evangelical right, his primary target is transparently the latter…  The left regards Galli and Christianity Today as useful for accomplishing the goal of getting a Democrat in the White House so that he or she can impose the Democrats’ sacraments of abortion, ‘LGBTQ’ coercion, and judicial tyranny on [true] evangelicals.


How does Christianity Today think “Black women saved evangelicalism”?
Not by abstaining from the Alabama [Roy Moore] vote or by writing in a third moral candidate [but] by voting 98 percent for [pro-abortion] Democrat Doug Jones.


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